
                        It has been our practice over the years to offer a membership in The Portrait Institute, for a one-time fee of fifty dollars. There is no renewal fee or annual dues. The principal benefit of membership — as the Institute is now constituted — is the discount which members enjoy in the purchase of products. During other periods in our twenty-six year history — particularly the two eras when we maintained a headquarters establishment with an ongoing calendar of in-person educational events — there were more opportunities within a given time period to recoup the monetary benefit of membership.

      Therefore we leave it entirely to the discretion of the individual, whether he or she wishes to take advantage of the membership option.

      A bit of simple arithmetic reveals that the membership fee is soon recouped in a few purchases of Portrait Institute products. From our point of view, we are frank to acknowledge that the existence of a loyal and supportive membership over the years has made possible many educational offerings which otherwise could not have been attempted.

Please go to our ordering page to submit your membership application.